Is digital dictation hard to use?

Every day we get the question “Is digital dictation hard to use?” The answer to the question is a firm – heck no!

Digital dictation is easy! The pieces that make up a digital system include the digital voice recorder that your client dictates into, some basic workflow software for transferring files and a digital transcriber to manage and listen to dictated files.

Where do I start? First your client should choose their desired dictation method. They can use PC based dictation software like GearDictate, call-in dictation using a system like idigital or for the author on the go, they can use a digital portable recorder. Read my blog article titled “Digital Voice Recorder Buyer’s Guide for more information on choosing the right digital voice recorder for your client.

What does it look like in use? Your client simply puts his or her recorder into a docking station or plugs in the USB cable and they walk away. The powerful workflow software called GearXport does the rest. It will offload the recorder, encrypt the files for HIPAA/HITECH compliance and send them via email or FTP to you. I can’t think of anything easier for the client…just drop it in the dock and go!

So how hard does the transcriptionist have to work to make it this easy? Actually, not very hard at all. Once GearXport is installed on your PC, it will reach out to your FTP, download the work and decrypt the files. You simply open up the GearPlayer digital transcriber software and those jobs will be displayed in your worklist. From there, you can sort the jobs by author, job priority or other demographic data.

With GearPlayer, you can transcribe the files with crystal clear audio, full foot pedal support, tone, volume and speed controls along with a powerful worklist and a gorgeous user interface. If you have others transcribing along with you, don’t fret. GearPlayer has a workgroup mode to keep you and the other transcriptionists from working on the same job.

After you complete the document, you simply save it to a specific folder on your PC and GearXport picks up the file, encrypts it and sends it back to the client.

Easy? You betcha.